Special Events


Over the years we have been asked to help out some interesting productions. Have a look at the photos below.
Give us a call if you think we can be of help with your production!  

Special Events - Les Evenements

Over the years we have been asked to help out some interesting productions. Have a look at the photos below.

Music Video, Marie Pier Descoteaux, La Trompete et ces Cordes

In winter, 2019, I got a call from one of our tree customers from Montreal, Joel Tremblay, who was producing a musical video for his sister, Marie Pier, and thought the farm would be a good venue, using of course, Christmas trees as the background.

We prepared for a couple of days, then on a Monday morning, a crew of 12 professionals, plus 5 musicians, arrived for the video shoot. The producer and director is Joel Tremblay. The cinematographer is Donat Chabot, who is very well known in the film industry. He directed ByeBye2018, the most viewed program in Quebec. The musicians were mainly students and graduates from the Quebec network of conservatories, and played 3 violins, a cello, and with Marie Pier on trumpet. The weather was not great to say the least: 80 km winds, very cold, ice everywhere. The original plan included many outdoor scenes around the barn and in the plantation, but it was just not feasible with the high winds, and a wind chill of -30C. So they set up and decorated a bunch of trees in the barn, and shot most of the video there.
The musicians played various parts of the song, plus several takes of the full song, with different lighting and scenes. Their fingers must have been frozen! They even had to rent carbon fibre instruments that could withstand the cold. The detail which went into the production was incredible! In the photos you can see some of the machinery they used. Just like Hollywood!
The video is to support and promote their latest CD, You can google “Marie Pier Descoteaux” to view last year’s video, and hear examples of their music. It was a great experience to work with this fine group of musicians and film makers. Click on the link to see the final product.


Barn Concert Hall Scene

Hard to believe this is inside the old barn, in the middle of winter! Amazing! 

video, la Valse des fleurs (Casse-Noisette) - La trompette et ses cordes

Lincoln Automobiles

In October 2015, Lincoln was filming for an advertisement in Harrington, Quebec. One of the shots was to be a convenience store somewhere in Texas, selling Christmas Trees. They rented the depanneur in Kilmar, and changed its appearance. We were hired by a Montreal production firm to set up the tree lot. We took some 60 trees, along with the Howey  baler and many of our own Christmas decorations. All in all was great fun!

We never saw the video, but the producer told me that this scene was only seconds in their video. We did see the fancy tractor trailers that were hauling the cars. The scene was filmed after midnight, probably to keep the cars secret. Matthew Mcconaughey was in the add, but we didn’t see him either! The ad aired near Christmas 2016.


This company provides some unique party items, including a hot air balloon, which carries your letter to Santa; and snow colouring powder, for making neat patterns in the snow. They shot footage for 2 videos at the farm in October 2015.
First was the snow colouring product, which, of course, needs snow. No problem, they brought a truckload of snow with them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDOq4FfADvA
Next was the letter to Santa video, which was done at night. The inside video was done in our Christmas shop, you can see the barn through the window. Then it was outside to send the balloon off to Santa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HO_Ro9wKyU


1600 ch Vide Sac, Lachute, Que, J8H2C5. 450 562 9726; Richard cell: 514 943 7957. email: rhadley2@gmail.com